Legal Framework

Legislation, dispatches and regulations

Museums legal framework in the Autonomous Region of the Azores (Museums, Visitable Collections and the Azorean Museums and Visitable Collections Network, characterization, goals and functioning).

Regional Legislative Decree 25/2016/A, November 22, 2016


Composition of the Executive Board of the Azorean Museums and Visitable Collections Network.

Dispatch 388/2018, March 5, 2018


Application Form to join the Azorean Museums and Visitable Collections Network (concerning visitable collections).

Dispatch 1091/2018, July 3, 2018


Application Form to join the Azorean Museums and Visitable Collections Network (concerning museums).

Dispatch 1092/2018, July 3, 2018


The Azorean Museums and Visitable Collections Network Plenary.

Rules of Procedure


The Azorean Museums and Visitable Collections Network Executive Board.

Rules of Procedure